Connor Marcel


We are writing this story to tell you a little bit about our beautiful baby who saved lives through organ donation. His name is Connor, and he was 2 1/2-years-old. We don't know where to start to tell you about our precious boy becasue we think about him constantly.

You see, Connor was our only child and the most important person in our lives. I quit my job to become a stay at home mom and now I am so glad that I did. Because now I have 2 years of spending every second of everyday with my beautiful baby boy. My husband and I tried for 13 years to have a child of our own when we finally decided to adopt, the road led us to Connor. Connor came home on April 22, 2005 from his home country Korea.


When he got off the plane with his escort and was placed in our arms he looked at us as though to say, "Where have you been?” Our entire family was at the airport to welcome him home and he was the only one not crying. He was a very bright, happy, beautiful baby who loved life. He was always smiling and loved music. His favorite song was "Row Row Row your Boat” and his favorite instrument was the guitar or as he said it "Buitar”. He was very intelligent and spoke very well. Everyone who met him commented on how well he spoke. He was also very intuitive, he could always tell when something was bothering someone and always tried to make them feel better. There was a time we went to visit his dad at the office, Connor saw a scratch on the hand of my husband's boss and Connor asked what had happened. He said he had a bobo and Connor immediately leaned over and gave his hand a kiss. He was always trying to make others happy.


On June 30th, my 40th birthday, we left Connor with a friend who had also been his teacher while my husband and I went to dinner and a movie. Connor died tragically when she left him alone in a bathtub with her 3-year-old daughter. We don't know exactly what happened because there was no adult in the bathroom. All we know is that our lives will never be the same after losing our special little angel. This is why we decided to donate Connor's organs so that another family would not have to feel the pain that we felt and to know that Connor's life no matter how short would have as much meaning to others as he did to us.

We don't know if we will ever understand why God took Connor so soon after sending him to us, all we know is that our lives will never be the same without him in it. Connor touched everyone he came in contact with during his life with the Grace of an angel. Now he has touched his recipients with the same Grace in his death. There is no greater gift than life and Connor's life was the Greatest gift God has ever given to my husband and me.


Garrett Thompson


William "Lee" Morris